Thailand in 11

March 12, 2011 at 4:15 pm | Posted in Asia, culture, heritage sites, miscellaneous, outdoors | Leave a comment
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I was lucky enough to spend the 2011 Chinese New Year in Thailand (thank you David and Kathy) with some good company. So here’s the top 11, in no particular order, of my experiences.

1. Playing with, washing and feeding young tigers at the Tiger Temple, Kanchanaburi.

2. Riding bareback and washing an elephant in the river at Maha Muang Singh, Kanchanaburi.

3. Eating delicious, fresh Thai food everyday.

4. Enjoying the facilities at our luxurious hotel in Bangkok.

5. Meeting (my name-sake doppelganger) Rosanna Bird.

6. Scootering around and exploring Koh Panghan.

7. Riding a long-tail boat through residential canals in Bangkok.

8. Swinging through the trees near Bangkok with Flight of the Gibbon.

9. Seeing old, broken buddhas amidst the ruins in Ayutthaya…

10. …and comparing them to more well-kept buddhas.

11. Relaxing island style – beach, massage and a fresh daily catch.

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